Our mission, vision, & values are at the heart of what we do.
They are equal parts of a whole and together they serve as a benchmark measuring our accuracy of brand execution.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide simple and fairly priced financial tools that allow members to save, borrow and transact. We do this by engaging, educating and supporting our members to ensure they have the means to make their lives better.
Specifically providing:
• Convenient access to financial products and services through the internet, ATM, phone and full-service branches.
• Assistance by trained service professionals in matters of personal finance and rapport building.
• Resources that educate members and employees about how the financial system operates and how it can work for them.
• Compelling reasons to encourage people to save more of the money they earn.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a financial institution that people respect, admire, and want to associate with because of our attitude about money and our ability to simplify the banking process.
We are going to take a stand on matters of personal finance. We will encourage, promote, and celebrate the virtues of education, saving, and thrift. We aspire to an attitude about personal finance that is encouraging and contagious.
Our brand will be distinct and memorable because we know that the best financial institutions in the world – credit union or bank – are not successful because they confuse people or charge them hidden fees. They are successful simply because they encourage, inform, and facilitate.
Our Values
- TEACH – We will support, educate and promote the virtues of education, saving and thrift for our members and employees to help in achieving a healthy financial well-being.
- RELATIONSHIP – We value our relationships with our members and strive to strengthen our rapport with every opportunity and contact.
- UNDERSTANDING – We are part of the community of our members and aim to understand individual needs in order to provide real solutions that help make our members’ financial lives stronger.
- SAVINGS – We will provide products and services that encourage our members to save more. We will help our members plan creative and new savings strategies with competitive rates to support their financial goals.
- TRANSPARENCY – We will be open and honest in explaining how the financial system works. Our products, services and fees will be straightforward. We will not rely on gimmicks to grow the business.